hey!! this is this is the fox eye trend. its not ok!! heres why:
growing up asian, i was mocked for having smaller eyes compared to my peers. they would pull back the corners of their eyes and say things like “ching chong”. people still do this to me and many others to this day
doing the fox eye trend can include lifting up the corner of your eyes, taping back your temple area, and typing your hair back to “lift” your face up. many people who asian-fish or do yellowface tend to do these
“if people think your eyes are trendy why are you mad?”
thats the thing. its a trend. after a while people will stop doing it and will continue to make fun of asian eyes.
“why are you so mad about it?”
like i said many times before, it mocks asian eyes. but also because i, along with many other asians, have been made fun of because of our natural eye shape; but when a white person does it, its “trendy”
if you do the fox eye trend, please stop.
if you know anybody who does the fox eye trend, please tell them to stop.

dont say you’re an ally to the asian community when you continuously do things that mock or harm us.
pls rt so it can reach as many people as possible!!
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