Confession #fundraisingtwitter: When I was the ED of a small UK charity (a few moons ago), I was so focused on raising $$$ from trusts & foundations, I barely had time to think strategically about what it meant to build a solid base of monthly and annual donors consistently...👇
I was also wearing the hat of 'operations director' and 'monitoring and evaluation specialist' and 'HR director' and 'volunteer and intern coordinator' and 'board member valet' ... ok sometimes it felt like that, even though it wasn't really...👇
18 years later, working with many other charities, across our beautiful world of all different sizes this one thing is true. When it comes to fundraising from individual donors, if you share with meaningful and truthful experiences of not just project impact but ...👇
how your charity is doing and how it is run, they will remain stickier and more loyal than any Trust and Foundation or institutional donor. 👇
Relationships are based on reciprocity - not just take... The world become unbalanced otherwise. We must, as fundraisers build balance. We have to test strategies and be willing to take risk to understand what that means.
We must also talk to other parts of charity - our marketing and comms and programs teams. We can't operate in silos. So many of us do and that is damning most of the time.
In conclusion, there is a pretty cool event happening next month which @richardsved, @ToastFundraiser and @FundEverywhere are hosting. I'll be doing a high level, 3 step process about becoming a donor magnet - for individual donors. Get your tickets: 
You can follow @NidukDsouza.
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