
@NYGovCuomo’s fall from grace has been quick, dramatic...and deserved.

So it felt like a good time for a side-by-side to revisit how fawning (and downright silly) some of the media coverage was back in the Spring.👇
There’s no better place to start off than with @CNN & @ChrisCillizza. At left, we have a take from March. At right, we have last week.

Let me know when you can spot the difference.
Perhaps @ABC’s new reporting can add some context and color to this piece from March, titled “The coronavirus crisis is the moment Andrew Cuomo has prepared for all his life.”
Mere hours ago, @MSNBC decided it was time to finally speak out about Cuomo’s latest criticisms.

Perhaps next time they could address the unchallenged opportunity they gave Cuomo in June to defend his nursing home policy on their program?
This from @washingtonpost is presented without introduction.
It’s gotta be tough when you even lose @TODAYshow, after they gave you a podium to hawk your book and ask if Cuomo would “accept” the position of AG under Biden.
It’s been refreshing to see @intelligencer come around.

Even if the tweet on the left - from a “long conversation” about how Cuomo “has become one of the most trusted American voices on the pandemic” - was from just four months ago.
And it also took them a while, but it appears that even @NPR has wizened up to Cuomo.

In retrospect, I’m not sure that “listening to the experts and sticking to the facts” can rightly be called “character traits” for Governor Cuomo.
I mean. Cuomo has even lost @TheDailyShow.
I want to pause here to draw attention to some of the good coverage from local outlets who dogged Cuomo for months about being evasive and dishonest.

Here’s just the tip of the iceberg, from @NY1, @the_citizen, @siadvance and @ABC7
And some mainstream national outlets - particularly those based in New York - had really good coverage, too.

Here are some examples from @nytimes, NY Post and @NewYorker. There were many more valuable stories from each of these outlets.
And we can’t forget about the work done by leading conservative voices and outlets - including @WSJ and the indefatigable @JaniceDean - who have been holding Cuomo’s feet to the fire all along.
Okay, back to the bad.

Not everyone has found the time - at least not yet - to cover @NYGovCuomo’s fall.

Despite constant attention back in the Spring, @ChrisCuomo has suddenly lost interest in what people have to say about his brother, as @FoxNews & @JosephWulfsohn report.
Once upon a time, @Yamiche felt compelled to give us a nightly update of how the Brothers Cuomo were doing.

But as Gov. Cuomo’s tragic handling of the pandemic has come to light, she hasn’t been as interested. No tweets about him since the end of May.
She isn’t alone among media personalities who aren’t related to the Governor.

Perhaps @JoyAnnReid would like to revisit her (no longer pinned) tweet? She hasn’t mentioned Cuomo since June.

Seems a good time to discuss Cuomo as a “crisis manager.”
And speaking of a good time for an @MSNBC person to revisit their love of Cuomo, where’s @MaddowBlog/ @maddow been?

Surely Cuomo would love to come back on your program, as he did back in May?
I wasn’t holding my breath for @nowthisnews to come around but it is pretty remarkable that they’re still doing live broadcasts of Cuomo’s updates and nothing else - admittedly without the color and context they used to.
While Cuomo hasn’t lost @TheView yet it may be an interesting time for them to revisit his (entirely unchallenged) comment from just a couple of months ago that Trump is “responsible for every death in this country”
And do we still get the movie, @VanityFair?
As I told @StuDoesAmerica on Friday, we should welcome those looking to hold @NYGovCuomo accountable with open arms.

But we can’t ignore how bad the early coverage was. Especially because many of the early claims made were never true to begin with.
The behavior of certain outlets to cover for @NYGovCuomo has been a danger for New Yorkers, a discredit to their fellows in the media who reported courageously, and a disservice to all Americans.

It isn’t as bad as Cuomo’s failures but it’s deserving of condemnation of its own.
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