I use "what are you most worried about?" most frequently.

I also use this q during the initial palliative care consult (not during serious convo), after I introduce myself, explain what palliative care is, and ask about basic symptom questions.

1/ https://twitter.com/FLComs/status/1361591972704714753
Because answer to this q will give me which direction I should go.

"I'm worried about this pain!", then I have to stick to symptom management.

"I'm worried about what's going on..." makes me think pt has some awareness/concerns and maybe I have to work more on GOC.

During a family meeting, sometimes "what is important?" or "what are you hoping for?" could be difficult to understand.

In that case,
- "what do you (does he/she) enjoy?"
- "what makes you (him/her) happy?"

could be more effective. These are easier.

Even during a serious meeting with tears, sometimes they can smile and answer these Qs easily.

Then I say like,

"Let me ask you in a different way. What makes your (his/her) life meaningful?"

This is the important q, but I have to do some preparation before that.

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