Some thoughts on Victoria’s recent lockdown:

There’s a narrative forming that because we have 0 cases and lockdown ended after 5 days that lockdown worked. This is wrong. In fact, because there are 0 cases after 5 days it shows lockdown was UNNECESSARY and did nothing. 1/
(with an approx. 5 day incubation period the 0 cases reported yesterday is for transmission before the lockdown). 2/
Victoria’s contact tracing still has a few issues but has shown it can manage these minor outbreaks – trust it.
-Unfortunately I feel like this lockdown-mania has become entrenched (everywhere except NSW it seems) and that we’ll keep doing these stupid sharp shutdowns/border closures for the most trivial of numbers. 4/
It makes it impossible to plan anything, let alone travel interstate with this hanging over our heads. I don’t feel good about coming out of this mania even as vaccines start rolling out.
Lockdowns have real costs. Those who wave it off as a minor inconvenience are being callous to the costs to businesses, people on low/insecure incomes and people in challenging situations.
The hyper-infectious, hyper-virulent, hyper-spreading “UK Strain” is probably not that at all and is a convenient cover for other failings.
Mask rules are mostly over-the-top and generally political theatre (we have to “do something”). There are no cases of outdoor spread or within general workplaces and there is zero need for a mask in these settings.
8/8 (end)
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