I wonder how those QAnon folks are gonna react when they realize that Q is Black?

Wait... Y’all didn’t know?

Come on, man, just think about it.

A thread:
First of all, his name is Q’Anon and everyone knows the Q is the blackest letter of the alphabet. White people stopped using it ever since we took the name “Quincy” from John Adams and that white coroner.

And you know they can’t pronounce our names.
Basically the letter Q is a negro C.

White people pronounce QAnon as “cue anon” but it’s probably just “cannon”

Secondly, think about how fast it trended. Aside from meth & throwing cookouts with the feds watching, when has ANYTHING become so popular that we didn’t originate?
This whole QAnon fad came out of nowhere and white people just jumped on the bandwagon and took it over like... Well, everything that Black people ever invented—Jazz, hip hop, rock n roll, the electric slide. the phrase “it’s lit and now...

Marching for voting rights.
I bet a white person stumbled across Umar Johnson’s page and asked a Black friend “what levels is he talking about?”

That’s how it started
Now, According to a leading research journal called “Wikipedia,“ QAnon is a “disproven and discredited far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring,”

which sounds crazy...
Unless you’ve been to a Black barbershop. Every Black person has had a hairdresser or barber who will tell you a crazy conspiracy about white people if he or she gets enough brown liquor in them (it’s gotta be brown, tho)

*Brown likka is an actual brand of alcoholic beverage
I actually went out on a date with someone who said over dinner, with all seriousness:

“They call us monkeys when they’re the ones born with tails”

I must’ve look startled, bc she said:

“Wait, you didn’t know that? Hand to God.”

And then she kissed it!
And everyone knows that kissing something and holding it to God is the most solemn vow next to “on my grandmama grave.”

Her grandmama was still alive, though, so this was the highest she could go.
But here’s the real reason I know Q is Black:

Black people know white people better than anyone. Our existence depends on it.

When was the last large gathering where there wasn’t ONE BLACK t-shirt vendor?

The Capitol Coup! Did you see anyone out there selling mixtapes?

We knew the shit was about to go down. We can feel it in our bones.

And finally, who could possibly know that so many white people would latch on to such a stupid idea?

I’ll tell you who:
Someone who knows evidence, experts, studies and research shows Black voters are suppressed. But somehow, after 23 recounts, a DOJ investigation, 58 judges, Congress & the Senate found no evidence whatsoever, the MAGAS still believed WHITE PEOPLE were being disenfranchised.
Someone whose ancestors were stolen, shackled, raped, murdered and lynched and then BLACK PEOPLE were accused of being violent.

Someone who built the wealthiest economy in the world FOR FREE and then THEY were accused of being lazy.
Someone who figured out how to survive 400 years of every imaginable treachery white people could conceived of while white people called THEM “unintelligent.”

Someone who had every legal, constitutional and human right withheld by people who BELIEVE they’re PATRIOTS.
Only that kind of person could pull an unbelievably long turd of bullshit out of thin air and say to themselves:

“Yeah, they’ll believe this.”
I don’t know who Q is...

But I bet he drinks brown likka.
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