Here's where i stopped reading...
And this is why you need an editor... This is poor writing
Either you are making the point that it is safe to return to the classroom... Or you are not
Average age of teachers 42... Staff and administrators... Higher
When folks talk about a zero risk scenario... I wonder who do they consider as acceptable loss???
Which teacher are you okay with losing their lives?
Which kid gets to lose a parent cause you are frustrated with the pandemic?
Im sorry that we are having a difficult time with virtual learning... Now we know

virtual is not the shot in the arm it was promised to be.

A society without a strong social safety net forces people to make bad decisions

If we were selfless last March we would be better now
Science guys... When you write stuff like this... You sound like sociopaths
Hold on... Something sounds very familiar...🧐
This is "i voted for Obama twice"
The reality that you are okay with risking the lives of others as long as it's beneficial to you
It reads like a narcissist manifesto
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