Is it wack that art is devalued to the point where we're all just making Content? Absolutely. But it's the zoomers world now and we're just living in it, and in my opinion a lot of indie devs out there would benefit from thinking of themselves more like Content Creators. Thread??
Hot take: Scorsese is a Content Creator. Is Scorsese more important than a React Youtuber? Probably! And as a maker of primary original content, you probably are too! But ultimately people are spending more eyeballs on that stuff now as they do "art" so what can we learn?
Indies can do whatever they want, so why pretend like you're a big ass studio when you can just be a content creator? Big ass studios take 529 days between Nintendo Directs. Content Creators get to be HUMAN BEINGS, which is, of course, your greatest asset.
Here's a good example from @backbonegame. This is a super vulnerable tweet, but thats because its some real ass shit. If you're comfortable with it, sharing your actual thoughts and feelings gives your community context about where this game came from.
Games don't just fall out of the void, right? No, human beings pour their blood sweat and tears into them and that should be recognized. And I'm not just saying monetize your trauma, but share the process! Answer the question, "why should someone care about us?"
There are devs now getting 50 million views on TikTok by sharing what its like to be a dev. Twitter is starting to feel mad irrelevant besides industry connections. When more devs figure this shit out its gonna be a whole new game and I intend on trying with our next project!
But also like, understand how your content fits into the greater content ecosystem. Don't be that stadia guy that wants streamers to pay for games. Is your game streamable? fanartable? memeable? Can users generate their own content from it? All good questions.
In conclusion, yes we're all content creators but that's not a bad thing. In the right hands it can be extremely powerful. AND IT DOESNT MEAN YOUR WORK CANT ALSO BE CAPITAL-A ART.

That's my thoughts. If this seems like a headass thread let me know lmao lets argue >:)
If this thread makes you tired it should, being a game dev and a content creator has gotta be fucking exhausting. But the community you can build is worth it. Maybe.

Also I have no thoughts or advice on how to find a @luulubuu uhh we kinda stumbled into that one.
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