1} With the hype around #nfts and amazing projects such as $nftx I want to shed some light on my long term strategy. I don’t trust myself to pick out which nfts will be valuable in the future, instead I’ve chosen to invest in projects I’m bullish on such as @lukso_io $lyx $lyxe
2} The founder Fabian Vogelsteller was a vital part of the Eth foundation. Building the official Ethereum Wallet, the first Decentralized web3 Browser his proposal of ERC20 in 2015, he has proven to not only have a visionary outlook but the technical skills to execute it.
3} Co-Founder Majorie Hernandez worked in as an architect and innovation consultant before becoming a Swiss and German brand strategist. She then created EY’ Digital Innov Lab where she worked closely on Ethereum and with the IOTA foundation.
4} Lukso which was founded in 2018, is a public programmable blockchain, providing a series of solutions for physical and digital goods in regards to production and consumption.. Ecosystem is controlled and owned by the community.
4} This community ownership allows for collective creator ship. Welcoming brand designers , tech innovators, media influencers, and consumers to collaborate in order to unlock the true potential of our new Digital Economy
5} The project is guided by 3 key principles : Identification , Virtualization, & Tokenization. These core principles not only support each other , but will form the blueprint for peer to peer economies in the lifestyle and fashion world. So allow me to give a quick sum of each
6 } Identification is giving everything in the digital ecosys a unique identity. Users have full control over their digital selves and the data attached to them. Ids are permanent, portable, and interoperable allowing users to maintain them universally
6A} In addition, by using rfid chips digital ids can be created for physical items which makes them “phygital” giving them a unique product DNA.
IDs can be used for creators, users, as well as phygital and digital items.
6B} Think about large corporations like Nike exploring this tech in order to counteract a 500B counterfeit/Resell market. I’m speculative on a few partnerships but time will tell... See advisor board on part 10 ⬇️
7} Virtualization is simply the process of transferring properties of physical products to the virtual world to expand the ownership level. Users can then carry ownership between both worlds. While there are multiple use cases my personal favorite is the VR possibilities
7B} As VR popularity increases having the option of scanning in or registering your physically purchased items into games such as 2K or Fortnite in order to increase the likeness of your avatar could potentially be game changing
8} Ikyk about tokenization so I’ll keep it light. Tokens control ownership, access, rights, and are ultimately a form of value. Brands could tokenize services and products . Influencers could become independent of platforms and consumers could be awarded for their participation
9} I feel myself getting long winded so I’ll just tell you why I’m bullish! Aside from the chad founder , the tech, and the nft digital world craze is the potential for partnerships.
10} The advisory board is made up of individuals from Giants such as Nikes VP of Digital Daniel Heaf & Chanel’s President of Europe Dr. Hauptkorn along with individuals from Burberry , Deutsche Bank , and Instagram.
11} In January they added Eric Prfunder to the advisory Council . Prfunder was the yin to legendary Chanel designer Karl Lagerfields yang for 30+ years. Who says he is ready to “shape the next age of fashion”
12} The current reversing ICO ends tomorrow so expect the price to start moving soon. Also next week they are supporting #CryptoFashionWeek 2021 and were apart of the #202030TheBerlinFashionSummit
13} Mainnet is launching this spring but the test net is already available to developers with guides as well : https://github.com/lukso-network/wiki/wiki
You can follow @cudosking.
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