I am not going to get involved in Discourse but... how do you not know about research assistants in academia and also can people stop being like postdocs only do their ‘own research’ I am a collation minion and proud of it
‘I am not going to—‘ *proceeds to do it*
anyway we still have a way to go to get the humanities to understand team research projects I think
and I think this one comes from a good place - or a series of good places for a variety of people - and that it does not have anything to do with me but it *does* feel a bit insulting nonetheless
(I have a lot of thoughts about (frequent) invisibility of labour and also of validity of labour so please forgive this she doesn’t even go here subtweeting)
also ALSO why do we always have to be out here considering some things acceptable academic labour/skills development (‘own research’) and some not? DH/bibliographic/paleographic/language skills (just to purely stick to my own experience) are things you develop through practice...
my DH and language skills are still not the sharpest but my bibliography/paleography have very much developed through this work, and they are skills even if I’m not always thinking the big thoughts while I am getting on with them
also - and this is more an articulation for me than criticism of anyone else - we really do need to put some clear conceptual air between ‘these sorts of positions are badly defined in the humanities & lead to exploitation’ and ‘this sort of work isn’t valid intellectual labour’
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