I never thought this needed explaining, but sometimes nuance gets lost. The reason millennials use "adulting" all the time is a generational inside-joke. It was never initially meant to be used in seriousness.

Let me elaborate:
See, Millennials grew up WITH the internet--as in, we remember life before it, and it literally grew with us. And by the time we started getting to the point where our parents and society were like, "you're adults now!" and we were like... "Are we?"
At some point everyone realizes to some extent that the image of an 'adult' they were sold was a complete and utter lie. Everyone is 100% faking it and some are just better at it. But for the first time, thanks to the internet, we could check in with anyone and everyone.
"Do you just feel like an imposter all the time? Like someone who knows what they're doing is going to come in and call you on your bs?" "Oh, constantly."

So "adulting" became this tongue-in-cheek method of nodding to the great joke of it all, while trying our best to survive.
It's make-believe. In the same way we used to put on our parents clothes as children, Our parents were more or less doing the exact same thing. Dressing how they thought their parents might dress. Acting how they thought they should act.

But it's all an act. "Adult" is a lie.
You will have moments where you feel you have the hang of it. Then life will laugh, prove you wrong & you start over.

And that's okay. That's everyone's experience. We are literally all in this together.
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