Families w/ babies have long struggled to find high-quality, affordable care available during the hours they work. As child care programs have closed or limited enrollment & are facing ⬆️ costs to maintain health & safety, these challenges have gotten worse. #ThinkBabies
#Childcare assistance is a cornerstone in @edlaborcmte’s #budgetreconciliation markup, which could make more than $39B available to providers and shore up a system reeling from the #COVID19 pandemic. #ThinkBabiesandAct
These funds would bring the total assistance to #childcare up to the $50B that baby champions have been pushing for since the pandemic began and would begin to repair the damage done to a system that is essential to our economy. #SaveChildCare #ThinkBabies
This investment would begin to build back the infrastructure that babies, families, and our country need. Urge #Congress to invest in the solutions that build strong babies, because babies build America. https://www.thinkbabies.org/take-action-babies-build-america/ #ThinkBabiesandAct
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