This tweet is getting some interesting pushback, saying that all of these are actually GOP wins since they got what they wanted in the short term

Honestly, a fair way of looking at it! And one, I’d argue, that Republicans themselves would agree with
My broader point was that in these big gambles, either:

a) they assumed any gains would be long-term when that’s not the case

b) the results they were after were not what manifested

c) the results have been deeply unpopular despite their best efforts at messaging
In every case, and especially with Trump’s acquittal, the bet has wound up costing the U.S. writ large in terms of lives, dollars, prestige, or moral underpinning

So that’s why I call them losses
So I stand by my analysis, but also I’m not about to stand here on Al Gore’s Internet and pretend like mine is the only correct framework for the last twenty years
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