So this tweet has sparked the “Batman is a murderer” debate in my mentions once again.

And yes, he is, but I don’t think it’s poorly done. Here’s why:
This is, of course, a different Batman. He didn’t start this way, he became this way and everyone around him from Alfred to Superman to random civilians do not approve of it. Bruce Wayne had become unstable and broken.
He’s become an alcoholic that’s also seemingly addicted to painkillers. He doesn’t care anymore he has spent decades using other methods, it only got worse. After Metropolis, his whole world view continued to get flipped upside down.
The death of Robin, his home being burnt down, the destruction of his company, and more all led to him giving up on humanity in many ways, only seeing the bad while Superman still tries to believe there is still good to be found in this world.
By the end of the movie, Batman’s view is changed. He goes on an arc back to morality. He wants to spark change, bring hope back, and stops branding people.

He takes his branding iron to Lex in prison but doesn’t brand him. He’s put that behind him and seeks to change.
I’m far more interested in a Batman that has to find his way back to the way he was rather than one already in his prime. I don’t think it betrays the character, it just reinforces who he needs to be and how anyone can lose their way.
Batman is also a character that was born out of fear, he overcame that in many ways, but when this new threat arrives, it brings that fear back.

He starts to act on his emotions, his fears are being fed through consistent nightmares, only reinforcing his behavior.
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