"In outcomes-based funding systems, governments punish universities for maintaining academic standards. So administrators game the system: lower the standards, fail fewer students, and secure more funding."
"Performance-based funding encourages universities to become more selective. They only take students with a high probability of graduating, a tactic known as "creaming." Money is diverted from needs-based scholarships for low-income students to merit-based scholarships"
"And why look to Tennessee, anyway? ...it ranks near the bottom in participation in higher education; it’s near the bottom of state $ for higher education; Tennesseans are poorly paid, suffer more inequality, higher levels of crime and poorer health outcomes than" most Americans
Everything Dr. Bruce Strang wrote today is true: the Pallister govt is using PSE reform, under the cloak of "common sense" and "widely-used" metrics, to reduce and restructure funding in ways that will damage students and make Universities worse, not better. WRITE TO YOUR MLA!
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