Jim Black was Speaker of the NC House. I use to go sit in the House Chamber at the desks of members before session and during recess when I was about 9 years old. Larry Brown (R-Forsyth) took pictures of me at the Speaker’s podium. He told me to call the NC House back in order... https://twitter.com/gupolitics/status/1361665124164112389
So, I clicked the microphone and called the NC House back into session. At this time, the audio played around the entire House side of the NCGA. They were working on the budget. People began running back to the chamber and pandemonium broke loose.
Then, NC House Clerk Denise Weeks came in and tore into me. Good times. I began to cry and though the NC House would pass a Bill banning me from the property. That still has not happened yet. Man, Denise Weeks and Richard Morgan were mad as hell.
This picture was taken by Representative Brown about 3 years later (age 12), when the House Clerk Denise Weeks decided to finally let me back into the Chamber. Oh, good times. #ncpol
Years later, I was told by a member that I sounded like Speaker Black because I was speaking out of the side of my mouth like he did. I banged that gavel three times and uttered...
“The House will come to order. Visitors will retire from the chamber and members shall prepare for session.”
House Republicans were mad because they thought that Speaker Black was going to ram through the budget and not let Republicans debate the budget honorably.
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