Many are asking how the iPhone, crypto and jobs scammer Neel that @zoo_bear has been tweeting about is RW’s fault. It’s one individual scammer.

Well, the over 50 crores in scams happened under the guise of nationalist, pro-BJP, Hindutwawadi credentials! [Thread]
The scammer used these for credibility and reach. No one would trust a random account, but many fell for it because IT Cell ecosystem amplified Neel’s hateful content, building him up!

For every 1 person who believes BJP’s hateful rhetoric, there are 10+ in it for personal gain!
From ground RSS cadres to BJPs Twitter trolls, a majority couldn’t care less about Hindutwa, Cow and India. They’re in it for personal benefit that comes in many forms. Money is one, but for many, it is:

- Recognition in the ecosystem for spreading hate.
- Retweets and likes.
- Respect, which they’ve never gotten before.
- Political positions.
- Power, through building fear in others showing they’re well connected in BJP.
And more...

A jobless youth has zero respect in society, but drape a bhagwa gamcha and put a Tilak, you’ll get respect / fear.
Gau rakshaks didn’t care about cows before 2014 and now they suddenly do. It’s because now killing in the name of cow is a method for societal upward mobility!

BJP has built a society where the more vile you are, the more you advance - in party ranks, and in societal hierarchy.
This is the model the party’s support is based on. Don’t fall for the exterior nationalism, religion drama.
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