In all seriousness, if I was handed the DCU, I would automatically hand characters off to the people who cared most about them and then invent new black and brown characters for that universe that actual flesh-and-blood black and brown creatives would see royalties for.
The DCU is such a good, charming, optimistic universe to start with, and the addition of POC stories only makes it better. But instead of thinking about which neglected POC characters can be fleshed out, why not just let POC make new ones that don't have to be tweaked?
Hell yes, I would immediately stroll up in there and put Shaner on Superman to wild out, but I would also bring in a bunch of black and brown creators and be like, "What characters can we create that show the best of our worlds and mesh well with this world that already exists?"
Because when you do that, you diversify not only the foundation of your catalog, but the foundation of your company. You're not bringing in POC do to patch up jobs on white creations but truly integrating two worlds.
You're telling those creators, "You can invest in us and we'll invest in you." And you say it with royalties for POC and by bringing their characters to multiple media.
Surprisingly, DC is in a better place than Marvel on this because they missed the original martial arts and Blaxploitation gravy train that Marvel rode to glory in the '70s. So they have room for completely new characters.
For example, any new black character created by a black creator at Marvel has to compete with characters created by white dudes like Black Panther, Storm, etc. At DC there's less competition because their black characters aren't as tightly woven into DC's tapestry.
Like, yeah, you could bring in @RamonVillalobos to work on a Jessica Cruz book. OR you can ask him to create a new property and say, "We need this to work in Coast City with the Lantern franchise and possibly as support material for a CW show."
And that's the difference between a temporary check for your POC creators or the financial longevity your white creators enjoy. That longevity where you get a nice check out of the blue come tax time years later for doing absolutely nada that year.
It is 2021 and these companies are still only worried about superficial diversity that merely enhances wealth inequality and leads to folks scrambling at the live-action stage to find POC creators to lend "authenticity" to white creations.
"What would you as a black woman want to work on in the DCU?" Sweetheart, BATMAN! Superman. Starfire. There is no black character I would want to work with over inventing one of my own. (Maybe Waller because Waller because Waller is that bitch. And it'd still be a tie.)
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