I've spent a lot of time recently on Clubhouse listening to supposedly 8-figure entrepreneurs talk about 'mindset' & 'manifestation'.... and I have some thoughts

*clears throat*
There seems to be a whole industry born out of the belief that if you fix people's mindset, they will suddenly get rich.

I've seen first-hand how many coaches, 'experts' & social media 'gurus' are trying to make mindset a commercially viable product
Now, don't get me wrong. Mindset is important. You need to believe that you're able to achieve something. I get that.

But. But.

It gives me the ick how much mindset has become a commodity that people are selling
Mindset is one piece of the puzzle. But it's not the only one.

There's *so* many reasons why a business may not work. I actually think it's exploitation to suggest it's the founder's 'mindset' that was stopping their business from making money.
Show me a founder that doesn't want to make money.
There's actually something more sinister going on here, I think. Shifting the focus away from solid business plans, routes to market, marketing strategies & financial forecasting, to 'mindset' & 'manifestation' gives the impression that we can just think something into success.
I'm sorry to break it to you, but you cannot sit on a meditation pillow all day & think about all the success you've going to have & money you're going to make, if you're not actually DOING any work.
So, please, buy all the courses you want & sign up for the coaching, but don't do it as the first option. Make sure your business is viable first, and don't fall into the trap of feeling guilty that somehow your mindset is broken. And THAT's why it's not working.
I absolutely love having goals. I love journalling & getting clear on the big picture for my business. BUT if you're not putting things into action, it ain't gonna work? So maybe don't buy a thousand dollar course if you're not ready to implement
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