1/x - There are people I’ve grown to know and care about who are deeply affected by this news. As much as I truly appreciate your concern and support, there are things I want to make clear. Trying to figure out how to best communicate them. I sense urgency, but clarity is key.
2/x - First, my heart and prayers are with Aisha White. As a survivor of years of sex abuse and numerous forms of sexual violence, I know this pain. I’ve numbed and ignored this pain. I offer empathy and unwavering support to her and all who have been through similar experiences.
3/x - Second, there is a team of scientists who worked tirelessly aside this man and who are grappling with a very sudden, very shocking realization. Please do not let one person’s actions discredit or dim the work they’ve done. Please offer them your full support as well.
4/x - I was not raped by this birder. I do believe I was targeted as a very new and eager birder, but I was not raped. I was groped and almost kissed without consent, but pulled away. I was gaslit and manipulated on several instances. I rightly sensed narcissism and opportunism.
5/x - I remained silent about these things because, almost immediately after they happened, BBW was in full swing. I chose silence bc I did not want the attention that could come from being vocal/visible. I feared being pushed out of certain spaces and being labeled as “crazy.”
6/x - I absolutely do not like to see Black men torn down in a public sphere, but when that man owes much of his recent success to the impeccable work and success of young, Black women? He gotta go. Thankfully, various orgs have issued statements announcing severed ties. Praises.
Since first sharing and announcing my support of Aisha White, I’ve learned of many “me too” stories. If you are interested in sharing your story with someone, anonymously and without fear of intimidation, please see the attached image.
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