@ReptilianCoin they are developing an animated pilot with a studio that has ties with #Netflix ( https://dirtypuppet.com/about/  ) yep, you heard me right and you heard here first ..LOL https://twitter.com/TheCrow_Crypto/status/1361667565634912257

1. Illustrator @SBryning http://www.sachabryning.com/production-art/   has brought  many characters to life. The renowned animation studio @_dirtypuppet has been commissioned to work on the animation.
2. The project is currently in development with Truce Films ( http://trucefilms.com/  )

3. @ETHMENOFFICIAL ( https://eth-men.com/  ), ETH-MEN are a first of their kind NFT focussed on bringing the age-old experience of collectible action figures to the Ethereum blockchain.
4. writer @ericpalickihttps://www.ericpalicki.com/  ) and artist @gavinpsmith ( http://gavinpatricksmith.blogspot.com/?m=1  ) are also working to bring this comic to life.
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