I’m glad to see the swift action around de-platforming an accused abuser today. I’m a bit surprised at how swift it was, but it makes sense since his platform was social media & that moves fast. It doesn’t move that fast in academia. For those in positions of power seeing this...
...please remember this example when you hear of abusers in your own institutions. I’ve seen people accused of misconduct quietly allowed to resign. I hear all the whisper networks—there are always those men we warn people about at conferences or for fieldwork jobs.
I’ve been told not to take a job I really wanted through that whisper network, & I see that PI having a storied career. I’ve heard many terrible stories from friends & colleagues about so many abusers. I will to blow the hell out of any whistle I need to when I’m in a position to
The reason we have a whisper network in academia is because so often our institutions are designed protect the accused. And people work so, SO hard to get positions that they’re not willing to risk them to speak out, which is understandable. That HAS to change.
And that change has to start at the top.
And as a friend just pointed out to me, we need to make sure that white men are held accountable for their actions with exactly this same energy & conviction, because that doesn’t often happen. There are too many Brock Turners out there.
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