This is a great article. I love the way David walks us through the explanation here, particularly as I'm someone who didn't play previous editions.

His conclusion at the end matches my own experience and thoughts.

(short thread with mine👇)
Perception being tied to wisdom communicates the instinctual, abstract nature. When we ask people to define "wisdom" in real life, usually folks have a hard time defining it; Its not really tangible or quantifiable.

Perception and insight, tied to wisdom, are similarly abstract.
If I were to stat myself, I'd have a higher Wis and lower Int. My ability to accurately recall lore is... questionable, dependent on whether my ADHD thought it was interesting. My conclusions are also very piecemeal- I absorb little bits from everywhere. It's very INSINCT driven.
I will walk into a room, and immediately know when something is "off". I file that bit of instinct in the back of my brain, and days later, I'll understand why. After a few interactions with someone, I know what kind of a person they are. Can I explain it? No. It's intangible.
I can read the atmosphere of a room, feel the presence of people; It's like I can SEE something that can't be seen. I notice almost everything, but because I notice SO MUCH, it just gets filed until I can process it later.

But I will trip over chairs or miss stuff on the floor.
I'm highly perceptive and insightful. Stat me with expertise there. But investigation?! Methodical, careful looking?! Pfft. I will miss obvious things, never mind hidden things.

See the difference? One is abstract, and one is tangible.

Perception vs investigation.
I think that's why the 5e playtest had perception for noticing hidden creatures and search for objects and clues.

The former can be "felt" instinctively. "There's something wrong here; I don't think we're alone."
Anyways, that's how I've treated the two in my game.

Perception is instinctual. Feeling and sensing. Senses beyond the ones we know. Abstract and intangible.

Investigation is concrete. Tangible. Clues based on details, lore and knowledge, IE these scuffs mean something.

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