so i keep seeing things about how LC is doing soooo much better than RH when it comes to covid-19 numbers. and i've got some news for y'all: when you look at the numbers in context, LC is actually doing... worse.

{a thread}
NYC releases their data for covid-19 positivity rates by zip code, so i went in and took a look.

zip code 10458, rose hill: 9.68%
zip code 10023, lincoln center: 2.84%
already, it's clear that RH has a distinct disadvantage as it's situated in an area that's comparatively doing a lot worse. and that's damn awful and reflective of a lack of resources in the bronx, which i could yell about, but let's save that for another time
so let's compare the positivity rates at RH and LC.

rose hill: 3.19%
lincoln center: 1.19%

yeah it's still higher; yeah, i guess RH is doing worse. B U T
the ratios between the campus's positivity data and the zip code's positivity data are way off. at RH, the campus rate is about 33% of the zip rate. at LC, the campus rate is 42% of the zip rate.
so, somehow — and no, i have no idea why — RH students have been better about avoiding infection from off-campus stuff than LC students

which really throws a wrench in the narrative that LC kids are doing "better" at cura personalis than RH kids.
i guess my message is just this: don't point fingers. we are all struggling; we are all working against data that we have no control over and that the university seems to ignore. fordham students are fordham students. all we have is each other.

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