Thread time: Finchem is raising money for "Make Arizona Safe Again PAC," claiming they have $15k in debt for the 11/30 unofficial hearing that Finchem organized with Giuliani and other election fraud "experts"

But MASA PAC only reported $650 in operating expenditures
$600 of those operating expenses are for a flight for Patrick Colbeck, a conspiracy theorist claiming the election was stolen from Trump. Colbeck did testify at Finchem's "hearing." But where's the other $14,900 in costs? Is Finchem lying to raise money for this PAC? #azleg
Finchem is also asking for contributions through Paypal and Venmo, but it seems like he's directing people to his own Paypal and Venmo accounts, not anything associated with MASA PAC #AZleg
The only mentions I've ever seen for the "Make Arizona Safe Again PAC" are posts made by Finchem on Republican Briefs, a well known AZ GOP website for posting events and news
Finchem say he put his finances on the line to fight election fraud and thanks donors because he worried he wasn't going to be able to pay off the $15k debt. But Finchem listed no debts on his 2020 disclosure and MASA PAC had $9k COH and only $650 in operating expenses #azleg
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