Ok some thoughts on the Asthma vaccine priotisation debate. Disclaimer: I have been an Asthma sufferer since a child. Have history of hospitalisation and have always taken inhaled steroids. I have the flu jab annually. I am in my 20s
It's fair to say that the last 48 hours have been very disappointing. From reading the JCVI guidelines last November, I thought I would definitely be in group 6 since Asthma, including treatment from inhaled steroids, classed me as "clinically vulnerable."
Then, Asthma UK received confirmation from the govt that only Asthmatics who had been treated in hospital and who have taken 3 courses of oral steroids over 3 months would be in group 6.
The QCOVID algorithm, published this week, said that asthmatics without previous hospitalization and no oral steroid use were not at increased risk of mortality. This appears to be the evidence the JCVI used to justify their decision on asthmatics.
The Vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi, on LBC last night, said that asthmatics using inhaled steroids would be in group 6. This morning, he admitted he made a mistake.
So what to make of all of this? The communication has been terrible. Asthmatics have been under the impression since December they would be in group 6. This weekend they found out they would not be unless they met the conditions I mentioned.
The minister then, accidentally, contradicted the JCVI prioritisation before having to row back.
Worse still from a communications perspective was the publication of the QCOVID algorithm over the last few days. This created the idea that many asthmatics had been removed from group 6 so the govt could meet their targets. It was all a plot.
See this tweet from an eminent public intellectual. https://twitter.com/theAliceRoberts/status/1361684657406959624?s=20
She is misguided. An unfortunate series of events and miscommunication have created the govt's first major hiccup in their vaccination programme.
Prof Robert's should delete her tweet. She is spreading misinformation. There is scientific evidence that has been communicated in the wrong way at the wrong time with a lack of scrutiny. That's all.
At the end of the day, vaccine supplies are short. This is a zero sum game at the minute. Giving vaccines to one group will take them away from another.
The supply will get better in the spring with Moderna coming on stream. I think the key for the government is to give some clarity on how they will prioritise asthmatics is phase 2. There is clearly an increased risk of morbidity from the condition...
...but not necessarily increased mortality. Many of us thought we would be vaccinated sooner. The onus is therefore on the government to make sure we get the vaccine when we need it. I am at a lower risk than those in their 60s, but at higher risk than people in my age cohort.
Tldr: the government need to be better at clearly communicating scientific evident to show that a group is not as much at risk- which is something that has practically never happened in the last 12 months.
If supply is the main issue. Say it. Be brutal.

If supply is not an issue then it is probably better to give people peace of mind.
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