A rarely discussed issue that impacts trans men (and transmasculine medically transitioning NBs) is that, in the US, testosterone is a controlled medication because of its illegal use by cis men for doping.
This causes problems now, particularly in getting insurance to cover it (I have tried to get mine covered but always ended up self paying after bureaucratic hurdles.

But, it's also extremely scary if these fringe Republican attempts to regulate trans medical care are successful.
Because, if it's illegal, going DIY would entail much more risk. It's "injecting illegal drugs" territory if we're criminalized.

The same does not apply to oral estrogen or spiro.
DIY for trans men is also more dangerous, at least as far as I understand it.

For me, on a steady dose for years, continuing on the black market would probably be reasonable, but generally speaking it's not as good a backup for us as it is for transfemmes.
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