The scientific spaces we inhabit, that we love so much, are often also the feeding ground for abusers. Academia will protect those who they seem intellectually "worthy" over the people those abusers attempt to destroy. Believe survivors. Hold abhorrent behavior accountable. 1/7
TW: sexual assault

I was assaulted by a grad student when I was an undergraduate. I went through the IX trial at the university and even though he was expelled, his advisor wrote him letters of rec, continued to work on posters with him. He now still has a job in the field. 2/7
This is not a new story. it's a very very common one. Most assault comes from ppl known to the survivor. Many of the abusers in our labs, colleges, professional groups, know they are protected by their status and usefulness to those organizations. 3/7
This is why I hate the term 'cancel culture.' Its accountability culture. The actions that you do should impact how you exist in the world. For many survivors its things, we did NOT do, that precisely impact how we are allowed to live and operate day-to-day w/in academia 4/7
When coming forward we get treated as trouble makers and not the other way around. If you love science, you love discovery, then you owe it to the discipline to hold abusers accountable. No amount of academic clout is worth keeping someone who damages us ALL so profoundly 5/7
When people come forward believe them. Deplatform abusers on social media, refuse to write letters of rec, work with others on posters and presentations. Create a space where we can love what we do and not constantly fear for our physical and emotional safety 6/7
And to reiterate: believe survivors. Coming forward about the abuse you have suffered is horrific and difficult. Give the support, belief, and resources you can.

I wouldn't have made it if the people who love me didn't offer me those things. 7/7
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