I need a vacation.
A Thread:
Last weekend was eye-opening for me… which is shocking because my eyes have been open for as long as I can remember
I realized something, self-love is IMPORTANT people. If you don't love you, how is anyone else supposed to?
Valentine’s Day was a rare me-day, admiring my nude portrait by the fire, sipping on grenadine, and catching up on Jerry Springer reruns
But ONE self-love day a year just isn’t going to cut it. I work so hard for yous, the Gritizens. And in return I get what? Retweets, endless praise, and tattoos of me on your derriere… I deserve more. I DESERVE IT ALL.
When you give the way I do, completely and wholeheartedly committed to your craft, you must take some time to "refill the tank." I have decided I'll be refilling my tank in Lake Tahoe this year. Like the mythical sasquatch (no relation), my furry bod craves the crisp mountain air
“Gritty, what will you do on vacation?” WHATEVER I WANT, that's the beauty of it. Maybe I’ll have a spa day, maybe I’ll play in the snow, maybe a late night rendezvous with my old pal Tahoe Tessie.
And yes, internet, don't worry, I’ve been tested:
COVID: Negative
Sit & Reach: 11” (below average)
Scoliosis: Inconclusive
We deserve this. I leave Friday.
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