1) I really thought it was going to be a bit before I made another thread but I feel like a lot of people are not fully understanding what the media is doing right now in regards to the BRF & H&M.

Please feel free to skip if you are just going to try and start drama, thanks
2) A little history, the Royal Rota was created to offer a sort of balance between members of the families public & private lives.

The BRF would release news to them first, offer them access & occasional exclusives. In exchange the BRF could live mostly normal lives off-duty
3) It works some of the time, other times not so much but the BRF believes that working alongside these outlets is more beneficial than working against them (Outlets in the Royal Rota are well established & have large readerships)
4) The other important part of the Rota is that it ensures that all relevant media will be shared with other parties in the press pool should they be unable to attend an event if space is limited. Basically it means no one outlet has a monopoly on royal events, photos, etc.
5) Now a free & fair press is undeniably important for any democratic state, the press is there to try and hold those in power accountable for their actions and to keep people informed so they can make informed decisions with things like voting, investing, purchasing etc.
6) However, no matter how well intentioned they might try to be, these outlets are still businesses and businesses need to make money.

Now they do this mainly with ad revenue. The more people who read an article, like a tweet or click a video, the more money they make
7) This is where clickbait culture comes in. It's why headlines sometimes don't even really dictate the actual contents of an article. Once they have gotten someone to click on it, they make money.

This leads to misleading, outlandish & (sometimes) downright false headlines.
8) The media knows what people are most interested in: drama, feuds, exposés they all sell better (see any reality TV program, celebrity breakup or dramatic fight).

A happy marriage is not going to make them as much money as an impending divorce.
9) The media decide what narratives are going to sell best for them (Difficult Duchesses, Royal Feud, Battle of the Brothers) and they don't usually have the full story in the beginning but they don't need it

Once they've decided on a narrative, they fill in the blanks later.
10) But occasionally they take this approach too far. At the end of Princess Dianas life they were writing about how she was jet setting around the world with a ton of different men. They had been writing about how "unstable" she was and they made a ton of money off the divorce
11) Diana became such a money maker for them that they legitimately surrounded her car in Paris the night of her death trying to get a picture to sell. While there were other small factors at play that night, its impossible to deny the huge role the press pack played in her death
12) But after the accident, while the country was in mourning & the family was prioritizing William & Harry by keeping the press away from them during their stay in Balmoral the outrage in the Press turned to the Queen.

Stories began to run about how she was "absent" and "cold"
13) When in reality the Queen was exactly where she should have been, by her grandsons side.

However, the press needed a diversion before blame for her death was placed on them. Thus stories about how the family didn't protect Diana & how they failed to keep her safe began
14) This in turn gave rise to some of the most vile conspiracy theories, that the family wanted her dead and that they were vindictive & cold blooded. These horrible conspiracy theories are present to this day because the press found a scapegoat to protect them from backlash.
15) In reality the family acted as most normal families would have following a divorce, The Queen and Prince Philip supported their son. They worked to try & give William & Harry some consistency in their lives. But they didn't completely cut Diana out, like some suggest.
16) Diana continued living in Kensington Palace, she had private security and she retained her title as Princess of Wales since she would always be the mother of a future King.

The media sold a story & everyone bought it despite loads of evidence to the contrary.
17) The same thing is happening now. The media took it too far. H&M wanted no part of it. They made it abundantly clear their main problem was with the press and the constant invasion into their private lives.

They didn't want them to profit off of them so they decided to leave
18) The media is never going to blame itself for this, they are going to write about royal feuds, say that the family was unwelcoming & that they targeted Meghan.

In reality it was the media who targeted her, who were unwelcoming and cruel b/c it made them money.
19) The press will always protect itself & its been proven that the BRF is a good scapegoat since they won't comment on 99% of stories. Once they have their narrative, they sell it hard and fast because it helps their bottom line.

In summary just please remember:
20) the Press is a business & while they can sometimes be accurate, they will mainly write whatever makes them the most money.

They are going to protect themselves & they are going to find a way to turn any story to fit their narrative so that the public doesn't question them
21) Working with family can be difficult, the BRF are no exception to that and sometimes working with family simply doesn't work out.

The reality is H&M are still part of the Queens family. They can have disagreements but none of them are out to destroy one another. thanks ❤️
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