Lotta discourse about the puritan zoomers lately though I don't know that they're actually on a whole more puritan than previous generations. There's always a tight ass streak in every generation that has more to do with the fact that young people are extra than anything else
I was a dork ass weenie when I was a kid, one of those nerds who thought being boring made me "more mature" than the weed smoking sex havers. It wasn't til I was older that I realized that man is mortal and its much cooler to devote your fleeting time in the sun to the good shit
I was raised in a p chill household, my family wasn't uptight or anything, it really was just that I was 12, watched some media where dudes were flipping out over boobs and thought "that's crazy! I will never succumb to the sex crazy. RIP to those guys but i'm different"
then ya hit puberty and suddenly you feel yourself succumbing to the sex crazy and you think "oh no, i'm scared of seeing a dick.. but i also desperately NEED to see one. i'd better construct the most elaborate mind fortress ever to deal with this dichotomy"
circumstances beyond their control have made the zoomers possibly the most extra generation yet & have given them a public platform w a global audience where they get to work through their puberty fear that my generation had to work out in their heads. so yeah
look, i fully expect half the 15 yr olds currently doing the "seeing a tit on my timeline is violence" bit are eventually going to get over their fear of tits & dicks and just quietly pivot to "let me tell you about my weenie phase for clout" posters like me
i was super mad about accidentally seeing asci boobs when i was their age, the only difference is that my "Say No to scary bugs bunny in drag jpgs" geocities page didn't have a global audience I could embarrass myself in front of like their "jerking off is abelism" tiktoks do
But make no mistake, if the millenials had the ability to lash out at the sex havers in any way more effective than leaving indignant guestlog posts, they would definitely have done that. they would have tried to ruin them just as much as zoomers supposedly do
how ironic when you're young & vital, you're all "RIP to the sex havers, I'm above that shit" then you hit middle age & you're all "oh shit, gonna die soon, i need to start fucking HARD, time to do weirdo suburban dad key parties" just as your body goes through goblinification
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