in nov, a group of community members stood together in solidarity and helped our houseless neighbors prevent eviction from the chestnut st encampment. we watched as staties ran thru and cut open their tents and laughed as they took the people’s belongings
last week, manchester brutally evicted the amoskeag bridge encampment w 24 hr notice. once again law enforcement laughed as people were trying to figure out where they were allowed to go. once again community members helped neighbors, not the state or the city
on wednesday there’s a bill HB 286 that would establish a committee to study the response of law enforcement to houselessness in NH. it’s needed. if you were there in november or this is important to u and want to testify please hmu
i don’t know how else to say this but since november 5 people that we know of have died. our neighbors are dying. please help.
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