Honestly, nothing is funnier to me that medieval images of Christ's ascension to heaven, because they're all just his feet hanging down from the sky.

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(BnF, MS Français 25526, f. 28r) #MedievalTwitter
This one is great for two reasons: he's just VANISHING into the cloud, and also the halos are really literally just circles stuck to the backs of their heads.

(Morgan, MS M. 8, f. 126r)
In this one, he's just achieved liftoff, but he's already mostly inside a cloud, which makes it look like a cloud swooped down and grabbed him.

(BL, MS Royal 14 C VII, f. 146)
Sometimes it's not clear if the holy feet are coming, going, or just dangling from heaven.

(BL, MS Royal 2 B III, f. 64v)
I don't know why this particularly depiction is so funny to me, but it is.

(BL, MS Additional 18851, f. 228)
There's also a subset of these depictions where you can see the footprints Christ left on the mountain top (but nowhere else).

(Morgan, MS M.77, f. 19v; MS M.105, f. 20v)
This one looks like Christ got stuck in a cloud, and the angels are trying to help figure out how to get him free.

Anyway, that's my very silly thoughts on this weird trope!

(Morgan, MS M.87, f. 231r)
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