
How to destroy the left.

Step 1, imply the majority of Corbyn supporters are anti Semitic, without evidence or examples, don’t worry the MSM will back you up & legitimise it.

Step 2, repeat step 1 until the label sticks to Corbyn.

Step 3, accuse Corbyn supporters of being anti Semitic, don’t worry, if they don’t say anything anti Semitic, if we did step 2 right, just the mention of Corbyns name will be classed as anti semitism.

Step 4, find other people who have attacked a Corbyn fan &

Pile on, you don’t need to fact check, just be sure to make out they are the most vile racist ever, whatever you do, do not acknowledge their history of fighting racism.

Step five, conveniently ignore any acts of racism or anti Semitism from the right,

Remember, we don’t care about racism, this is about destroying the left!

Step 6, you win, the left are defeated, you get to live in a world, where the rate of homelessness goes up despite there being empty house, you get to live in a world where children go hungry

Despite there being enough for everyone, where the political class can funnel billions in taxes to them and their friends, without recourse from the media who work along side the gov, to ensure traditional power structures stay in place & the poor stay poor.

This is not about anti semitism, it’s about rich people trying to maintain control of the poor. Rich people from all races & religions, although to be fair, mostly white Christians if you really want to know what I think the demographic of the elites are.

The tropes used against Jews for millennium, have been vile, the left have stood with the down trodden throughout history, it was the left who were attacked along side Jews in nazi Germany & it will be the left who stand with Jews again as the right rise again.

It’s heartbreaking to see the real fears of Jewish people being exploited by the right. I didn’t buy into Corbyn as much as many. I could very easily stay out of this argument, but the level of dishonesty is intolerable. If you say, politicians can’t be trusted

Don’t moan about it, if you resist a different kind of politician.

So many centrists worked against Corbyn, letting the Tory party in, how’s that going for you all? Now you claim it’s suddenly important to get the Tories out, you put up your own Tory & demand compliance.

So many people need to wake up, we are moving so far right & in a nuclear age, if you let facism out of the bag you may not get a do over.

Apply the same scrutiny you have over Chinese propaganda to capitalist propaganda, it’s time to wake up!
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