Raising a daughter and showing the few haters and toxic boys out there a little somethin' somethin'.

A thread:
Yup, I sew. Not well, but my baby needed some toys fixed so I did. If you think calling me "gay" & other various homophobic "insults" bc you feel inferior is funny:

1. I'll do anything for her & show her what love is & what she should find.
2. Gay isn't an insult, idiots.
I let her do my makeup. I let her paint my toes & fingers. When she wants to do my hair, I'll let her do that.

She gets to be creative, I get to be involved, & we get quality time.

That bothers you? I pray you never have kids. You'll hurt your daughters & teach your sons hate.
I cook, bake, clean, talk about my feelings, express them openly, cry without shame, treat women with respect, and do all those things you little boys make fun of.

I listen when women speak, I believe they are strong and funny, I don't assume anything they owe me anything.
When I screw up, I admit it & apologize. I admit I don't always do a great job at any of this so I try harder each day.

I admit I'm wrong, I admit I have opportunities to grow and better myself.
I feel badly for you toxic boys.

Must be sad to be so inadequate & inferior you let fear win & act so weakly.

You must feel so scared that your way isn't THE way. Rest assured, your way isn't even A way...it's a sad excuse for being too stupid to understand how to behave.
My daughter will know how a HEALTHY MAN is supposed to act. My daughter will learn how to love and be loved HEALTHILY.

My daughter is gonna have enough of people like you trying to convince her you're like this, but she will see through them.

Feel free to fear this thinking.
Have a great day & look inside your scared little heart & remind yourself you too can grow the fuck up & join me.

You too can be a healthy person.

Just set that fear aside. Fear of losing power you never had, fear of not knowing who you are, & just learn to be okay.
All of you have a great day.
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