The next evolution of content platforms is starting.

Using crypto primitives – like NFTs, permissionless protocols, programmable royalties – content creators are set to control the next era of content – The Ownership Era.

A quick thread on the eras of content 👇
The Distribution Era

The key value in this era for consumers was aggregation while creators received wide distribution of their content(e.g. songs). However, as users realized that their content had value, beyond views and likes, individuals started to create their own brands.
The Subscription Era

Distribution is no longer worth the tradeoff. Personal websites are ubiquitous. Influencers host their own podcasts where advertising is the key form of revenue or have transitioned to Substack/Patreon where they directly monetize their connections to users.
The Ownership Era of Content

In the ownership era, platforms are partially owned by their content creators. The creators earn tokens for their work which provides ownership in the network. The platform-creator relationship becomes more synergistic as opposed to parasitic.
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