#Thread. First half of february 1941. The Dutch version of the German Sturmabteilung, the Weerbaarheidsafdeling (WA) is starting fights with Jewish people and their supporters in Amsterdam. They want to enforce new anti-Jewish rules, whilst at the same time showing their power 1/
9th of February, 1941. In a café 'Alcazar' in Amsterdam, the owner still lets Jewish people and artists in, despite new rules forbidding it. The WA has heard that on the 9th, famous Jewish Jazz-player Clara de Vries is giving a show and wants to prevent that. 2/
The WA marches towards the café and starts to fight with the visitors and security. The WA, starts to violently bash in on all the visitors, but nearby people start to fight the WA. In the end, there are 23 wounded people and the café is thrashed. The WA is not happy though 3/
as most bystanders joined forces against them. They want to show once and for all that they are a capable force. So in the evening of 11 February, a group of 45 WA-men, starts marching and singing towards Waterlooplein, to beat-up Jewish people there. 4/
However, several communists and non-Jewish groups rush to fight the WA. The WA group, lead by H. Koot, starts fighting anyway. After 10 minutes, in which both sides use everything they can find for a weapon, the battle is over. With lots of wounded on both sides (pic: Koot) 5/
there is one person that is not standing anymore. It is Koot, the leader of the WA-group, who is laying badly injured on the ground. He is rushed to a hospital, but does not recover and dies on the 14th. The nazi-propaganda quickly spins the story about a brutal murder (pic) 6/
So what happens next? The German Nazi leaders in NL have to react, both to show they will not tolerate attacks on Dutch nazis and to stop Dutch nazis from starting riots like this. So Böhmcker (German nazi leader of Amsterdam) seals off the Jewish neighborhood and orders 7/
the establishment of the Jewish Council as well as the arrest of the Jews fighting the WA. Three Jewish young men who are taken, are forced to post for some pictures together with their weapons for a propaganda shot (pic). Hoping that this will make sure that both the Jews are 8/
kept in order, as well as the WA groups trying to riot (not allowed anymore into the Jewish neighborhood), Böhmcker and the German nazis are more or less satisfied for now. However, everything will change in the second half of February, but that is for another thread. /end
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