Becoming aware of cynicism in my life recently. Cynicism is, at its root, a type of judgmentalism. It comes with its own set of facts, perceptions, biases, and preferences. Usually sparked by disappointment, fanned by the cynicism of others, and often disguises itself as sarcasm.
99% of the time sarcasm is used because someone, somewhere along the way, was overlooked, hurt, wounded, disappointed, didn’t measure up, or failed—and now they want company.

There’s no shame in wanting company. But cynicism and sarcasm aren’t a healthy route to finding it.
Now, becoming aware, I have to ask myself: What is it I *really* want when I’m judging that person or group or podcast or book or whatever?

Naming my true desire will uproot that cynicism faster than shaming myself for having had it in the first place.
Vulnerably, here’s it playing out for me recently “Oh gosh, *ANOTHER* author turned podcaster? Why can’t we just do ONE thing well & not have to be everything?

At the root, my desire is to do more than one thing well. A good desire rotted by judging another for accomplishing it.
Disappointed in friendship? Judge friendships. Hurt by the church? Get cynical about it. Overlooked at work? Gossip about co-workers.

What’s at the root? We want good things and live in a world that perverts good desires, stifles dreams, and suffocates hopes.
Anyway. Morning words from me. Call me out if you see me being cynical. I want to be a surgeon, speaking truth, applying a scalpel to injustice. But sarcasm and icky pride doesn’t do that. It just makes you lonely and unlikeable.
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