My approach to personal budgeting 🤓

Based on the words of 2 wise men:
#1: "Your money isn't only your money" - Abah.
Luck, opportunities, teammates all play a part in what you make. A portion always belongs to others, society and your future self
#2: This quote from Li Ka Shing ⬇️

Divide your income into 5 parts:
A. Living expenses - 30%
B. Making friends - 20%
C. Learning - 15%
D. Overseas holidays - 10%
E. Investing - 25%
Combining the two, my personal breakdown:
1. FAMA Loan: a loan (in perpetuity!) to father and mother
2. Investing: further split into Business / House / Retirement / Insurance
3. Giving: LKS gives to "those more knowledgeable, richer or a help to your career," I say give to any
6. Learning: Books, courses, new products in DeFi or NFT like 
7. Living: I'm lucky to have most expenses covered and no dependents - you can put a higher % here!
8. Shopping: Also lucky to be a cheap guy, never felt much pangs here 😅
Why should you care?🤔
- Force your funds into different pots and only spend from what's in each! Helps you live within your means 💸
- % allocation depends on your unique situation
- Once there's enough funds in a pot, feel free to splurge! Flyboarding, anyone?
What should I share next? 🧐
🔢 How to keep track of expenses
💰 What to invest in
🎯 My "F*** You Money" career goal

Credit to sifu @surayaror without whom I'd never find it in me to post this thread 😂
You can follow @harithk17.
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