I was thinking about the Frank Peretti "Darkness" books recently, which I loved when I was young.

One of the things he treated like totally normal was demonically-orchestrated false sexual assault accusations against pastors. Like this was a thing that happened every day.

Peretti wasn't the only one. It seemed throughout the church there was a running idea that the Enemy routinely uses fake rape charges to take down godly ministries.

Now I know how rare false accusations are, and how hard it is to get sexual assault taken seriously.

During the Kavanaugh hearings, my pastor (who I was already having a slow falling-out with) went on a rant during a Bible Study about how "Now any fake trumped-up accusation will be taken seriously!"

This was uncharacteristically overtly political of him.

I'm not worried that my pastor's reaction means that he himself was an abuser.

But I think evangelical culture had taught him to fear the wrong thing -- that women and "fake charges" were the danger, not male predators in ministry leadership.

It's messed up.

Addendum: We also have to have a talk about how Peretti portrayed therapy, Child Protective Services, and meditation. You might even say he... demonized... those things. (*puts on sunglasses* YEAAAAAAA)

But that's a rant for another day.

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