Change Your Perspective

With a Toothbrush

// A Thread //
Last week @FitFounder (Dan Go) posted a tweet about brushing his teeth with his off-hand

His reasons are:

> Trains you todo a simple but hard task
> Makes you present when brushing
> It’s his first step to becoming ambidextrous
So I gave it a shot - why not

I strive to be more

> aware,
> grateful, and
> thoughtful

with my daily life.

The world moves so fast and it’s important to stop and appreciate life
I am a week in brushing my teeth with my left (off) hand and here’s what I have learned

1.) This shit is hard

It took me double the amount of time this first time I brushed with the left hand. I laughed a few times and got a few weird looks from my girlfriend.
But it made me present for the minute or so I brushed - I even laughed

I went to bed that night in a great mood ready for the challenge in the morning.
2.) It got easier

By day 3 or 4 brushing was not as difficult as the first few stints

I began gaining more confidence with my left hand

I never would have felt the confidence if I had quit the second or third time I tried the exercise
3.) It became a habit

By the 7th day (14th time brushing), I am 95% as good brushing with my left as I am with my right hand.

Remarkable that only after 14 times practicing I became quite proficient
Alright BW, but who care what hand I brush my teeth with?

By changing one simple daily task, I was able to:

> Be present and laugh
> Struggle
> Gain confidence in something new
> Build a habit

All in 7 days
Over the last few months I have added a few habits one at a time with some success - I plan to dig into this topic a bit more here on my page

My takeaway so far?

Small progress turns into results when consistent

> Take a new route to work
> Try a new cuisine for dinner
> Add 100 push-ups a day

Or even brush your teeth with your left hand
If you found this interesting, give the first tweet a retweet

Sometimes just a slight change in routine is what we need to appreciate our surroundings and recognize all the blessings we have been given
You can follow @BWPFinance.
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