sun in aspect to rahu — a thread —
i've noticed natives with sun aspecting rahu have been considered the exiles of absurdity & controversy, the 'nameless' one as the fatality of the events alter them into crucified pawns / marionettes, conducting into substance exploitation —
slash confinement as a paradoxical exit of reality. from the other perspective, the fusion of the mentioned adds to the final form of their identity as the revolutionary artificers & visionaries; ex. nikola tesla, sun square rahu, whose inventions were pirated by thomas edison —
with wireless transmission of electricity, coil invention that was capable of high voltages & frequencies, leading to new forms of light & an x ray (ref. my inventions: the autobiography of nikola tesla; tesla: man out of time). cont. —
peter paul ruben, vladimir mayakovsky, emily brontë, leonardo da vinci, simone de beauvoir, all examples of sun / rahu connection amalgamating the philosophical & existential analyses, researches & conductions of their impalpable fiction into tangible, apparent form of existence.
vladimir mayakovsky, russian poet, caused controversy over his death, with note to his lover `this is no path to exit, but i have none other.’ the results of a detailed hand-writing analysis found that note was undoubtedly written by mayakovsky, and also included the conclusion —
of irregularities, depicting a diagnostic complex, testifying to the connection of vexing factors, among which the psycho-physiological state linked with agitation. the event is indicative of a fascination with mayakovsky's contradictory connection with the soviet authorities. —
emily brontë with `wuthering heights’ depicts the sun square rahu with the capitulation toward death and immortality with the only lover she'd rather be haunted by, than remain indifferent & derelicted. the aspect with which native commences warfare, a bloodshed between —
identity structure & emotional capacity of devouring the previous archetypes, forming them dysfunctional in absence of the ego & unconscious clash of what prevails.
amy winehouse with the square aspect takes the narrative to the fatalistic form of feud with the demolished sun —
while the opiates took toll of the sherd of her amountless ability & talent (uttara phalguni sun, mula moon, mrigashira ascendant conj. rahu). another ex. is of river phoenix and sid vicious, both having sun opposite rahu who faced identical crisis & ended with overdose.
lee alexander mcqueen, sun conj. rahu, the one ahead of his time with the runway scenography (pyrotechnics, cyber requisite usage etc.) & controversial, authentic projects. `give me time, & i'll give you revolution.’ direct & yet tenuous, when felt as if there was none to offer —
& shocked / defeated by mother's death, he overdosed on cocaine & tranquilisers, abandoning the isolation & alienation his occupation brought him. franz kafka & vladimir nabokov, both with sun trine rahu & peculiar / perplex type of writing, had another channeled rahuvian vim —
& it was devoured by the attachment to exoticism, mystique & affairs. both wrote of absurdity & existential dread, but none of the words were paralleled with the phrased devotion, commitment & affection which oscillated their rationality.
sun in aspect to rahu adds the fanaticism to extent, natives who had no father figure / lacked one (francis bean cobain & robert f. kennedy – sun trine rahu, robert downey jr. sun sextile rahu), eruptive inner turmoil, constant ego death & perceptive eye to the veil.
giacomo puccini, johanes brahms, paul cezzane, rembrandt van rijn, sun sextile rahu natives — when the devouring, abysmal rahu connects to the already eclipsing sun, another concealed reverie / phantasy unravels in the epoch of attainment / craftsmanship.
'in the church of my heart, the choir is on fire.' – v. mayakovsky;
'if a violin string could ache, i would be that string.' - v. nabokov;
'if you come to me, you will be leaping into abyss.' 'you are the knife i plunge within myself; that, my dear, is love'. – f. kafka.
the cataclysmic torment, the ache of one's identity (sun) toward analysis and comprehension of their echoing ego which merges into apathy / anathema, pining, throe, raw intimacy, vulnerability & catharsis (rahu) of the soul that roams for connection & acceptance.
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