A brief thread:

One of the things I like about Twitter is that we’re all different, we all have different opinions, and I’m good with that.

I genuinely believe that most of the people I follow are good people, but I don’t believe for a second that we’ll agree on everything.

We all have our faults. Our views can be seen as reprehensible by some, and spot on by others.

This is, I believe, what makes life interesting. And goes back to my point that I think most people I follow on here are good at heart.

So when I see an account run by multiple anonymous people, taking it upon themselves to tell me who I should or should not be following, and hounding one of the people I follow off Twitter through repeated targeted attacks, I am definitely NOT OK with this.

I’m a big boy. I’m old enough and wise enough to choose who I follow, or who I don’t. I’m also wise enough to stay out of arguments when I can see best intentions from both sides, but perhaps I don’t agree with the argument, or even understand it fully.

I certainly don’t agree with accounts that appear to be playing judge and jury over others, and encouraging online bullying, REGARDLESS of whether I might agree with their view.

Arguing or disagreeing with another person is one thing; instigating pile-ons is something else.

This thread is not intended to be “taking a side” in what I saw to be a pretty heated argument. As I’ve said, I’m staying out of that one.


We don’t (or shouldn’t) need other people to make our moral judgements for us. We’re capable of doing that for ourselves.

At least, I hope we are.

You can follow @getnorthern.
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