Time to lift the lid? Can you ‘live tweet’ reading a 6 year old playbook you co-wrote and it not be the be the most boring thing ever? How could something written about social media 6 years ago possibly even be relevant eh?! #StorytellingAtScale
From a creative perspective we could almost stop right here... the biggest challenge in churning out content is that you don’t give yourself the time to make exceptional content that you’d actually want millions of people to see... like your TV ads. #StorytellingAtScale
This doesn’t seem... controversial? But we gave it a whole page because frankly all too often it still is 🤷‍♂️ #StorytellingAtScale
An integrated campaign that brings the same campaign idea (and distinctive assets ideally) to life but in a way that makes sense on social...? Sounds pretty obvious. This was the output of the first ever UK ‘Publishing Garage’ workshop with Facebook & Elvis. #StorytellingAtScale
Ahh yes, perhaps not award winning creativity but let’s acknowledge FB isn’t always the biggest/broadest brand building canvas... practical occasion based (category entry point even?) content and simple reminders or prompts play a big role. #StorytellingAtScale
Look, this isn’t rocket science is it folks... but yes, apply good brand & creative best practice to your social content too. #StorytellingAtScale
Did I mention I used to work on Oreo? I think I do say it in passing occasionally... but anyway, the Daily Twist was more a triumph of consistency (in content AND reach) than it was for inspiring a one off (but fun) Tweet. #StorytellingAtScale
Honestly we came to see that even this ‘reduced’ calendar was WAY too much content and nothing was getting maximised reach or wear in (let alone wear out) but yes is more is still a good take home. #StorytellingAtScale
Remember Facebook Apps? We were fighting those back then... we won that battle much more cleanly than the ongoing war against cheap tricks in social 😂 #StorytellingAtScale
Ooh, this is a glorious slide in which we named and shamed some of our own brands for the cheap tricks they were using!

Cute animals ✅
Desperate plea for engagement ✅
Forced engagement competitions ✅


[This Slide Image Is Redacted 🤐]
Ahh media thinking... imagine approaching social media platforms as serious media channels with opportunities to drive continuity, increase reach, or allow smaller brands to activate?! #StorytellingAtScale
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