ADHD THREAD 1/ Lately I've felt being open about my ADHD has blocked my progress as a #screenwriter. There's been a few 180 turn rejection moments that felt off, but I'll never truly know if they were routed in judgement or bias, which led me to consider, should I reveal it less?
2/ But here I am with a big flashing ADHD gif, so you can guess where I landed. The thing is, "masking" pretending I don't have it, makes it worse. Seriously. When I think back on the strange decisions I made, crazy situations I got into when I didn't know I had it, I see it now.
3/ When I try to hide, pretend, fit in, conform... "mask" I cope less, create less, deliver less, I am less. So, when I say it out loud, I am not using it as an "excuse" or label that fits me into another box, I am reminding myself, processing, educating, being all that is me...
4/ But most importantly, I need to remember the lack of understanding on ADHD, especially in women. Just one search for gifs using "adhd" & it's easy to see why so many perceive it as just "unfocused" or "crazy"...
5/ It's not made up. We don't "grow out of it" & we don't need to just "focus more". Two chemicals in my brain are literally on low supply compared to an NT (neurotypical). But, when I care, when I'm passionate, inspired - I am hyper-productive. Nothing can break my focus...
6/ Not even the things I "have" to do, or "should do. Eat, drink, sleep, work, tidy, get dressed. But then, I am hyperactive type, not inattentive or ASD. So, for anyone reading this not familiar with ADHD, please educate yourself before you judge or just ask more questions...
7/ For anyone with ADHD, remember we are ALL different. So, don't assume someone else with ADHD has the same experience or behaviours. Some wear ADHD with a badge of honour, others find that frustrating. Some are inattentive, some hyper, some both. Some hide it, some don't...
8/ For me, because screenwriting is my passion, it's makes my soul sing, it means I produce a lot, very fast & I see the world differently, which shows in my voice, my dialogue, my characters, my worlds. I break the rules, which means I also break ground. I leverage hyperfocus...
9/ But I also fall behind with self-care, forget to eat, drink, sleep, burnout. I've started to call myself "every other day Jen" because that's how it tends to go. I'm AMAZING, then I'm shit. Then I'm AMAZING, again. I haven't tried meds, because leveraging my hyperfocus works
10/ But others that are open about their ADHD, or not, may well be on meds & therefore able to manage their symptoms. My partner was over diagnosed as a child, he doesn't wear ADHD with pride. He sees it as a barrier, a label, a reason he is less than, unable, held back...
11/ I spent my entire life lost, masked, fight or flight. I assumed everyone felt the same but coped better. That my spontaneous ideas were genius always, even when they landed me in dangerous situations. Many were diagnosed by the NHS, or a doctor that told them what was wrong.
12/ Told them how they were broken. So, hiding it, rejecting ADHD is common. But when I finally got my diagnosis from @geniuswithinCIC @nancydoyle at 39 yo, she told me what made me wonderful, exceptional (verbal, visual) & the areas that I would struggle with (processing). So...
13/ Hell yes I wear ADHD with pride. And, all those crazy situations, all that drama I manifested along the way through hiding my true self, makes one hell of a story. Every single script has one or two real memory gems. My life, my struggle, my crazy, my hyper, makes me who I am
17/ A very funny sketch show by ADHD comrad, screenwriter, filmmaker @LoreleiMathias with her representation of ADD/ADHD "Russian Doll"
18/ This video (includes ADHD filmmaker) was a huge eye-opener for me, especially in regard to my smoking! I had never considered smoking was self medication. Only now I understand why I rely on it, have I been able to shift the habit #ADHD
19/ I'm going to leave this thread open & add more content as I find it. For now - catch you later, and feel free to ask me anything! END... for now. More to come!
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