random fact I just remembered about my trip to Italy; you need to pay to use the public washrooms. its under 1 euro, but this can be super inconvenient for multiple reasons and raises the question of how effective pay toilets can be
for tourism sake, when you don't have the right currency yet, had no idea about this info/wouldn't think to google it prior to your trip and the currency exchange machine is possibly broken... if you really need to go and aren't familiar with the area it becomes an issue
tourism aside, it also makes me wonder how homeless people experience living in the country if they have to worry about paying a fee for something you can't control. it's a basic human right and disproportionately affects lower-income people and that shouldn't be the case
I've also recently become aware that women get disproportionately affected by this because urinals are often free of charge. I was not made aware about this info because I do not use mens bathrooms and would not know. but once again, should be another reason for reconsideration
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