It is shocking that anyone takes at face value US claims of ‘fighting ISIS’ or ‘protecting the Kurds’ when so-called counterterrorism & protecting minorities have been the literal justifications for Euro-American interventions for over a century
The US aim is to dismantle strategic obstacles, including states which have any foreign or domestic policies contrary to US will, including in the Arab region any states which are themselves structured outside US state-building agendas & accumulation circuits
Dismantling includes weakening strategic obstacles, by reducing their freedom of maneuver, their economic base, their oil and cereal fields, their pharmaceutical industries and planning capacities and doctors
‘Strategic obstacle’ means any state not fully aligned with the US foreign agenda in the region, including states which have been safe harbor for militia which oppose the critical US client, Israel
People do not see this because in true economistic thinking there is a reduction of capitalism to market relations, or growth/productivity, not seeing that very often the US agenda indeed since the founding has been premised on the destruction of other social orders
At the heart of it is a failure to see colonialism, or to properly understand it. Ask the test question : do the US/Israel want capitalist development in Palestine (no). Why? Because capitalism is structured politically and development alloted on colonial/racial lines
Accumulation on a world scale requires the political creation of polarization and erasure of the possibility of non-US subservient development patterns, which often requires the simple erasure of political platforms which could theoretically serve that end
Refrains of US ‘failure’ in Libya & Iraq reflect on the one hand, a backseat driver mentality where the US keeps doing the same ole damn thing but fails cause it no like chaos, rather than the rational inference: the US prefers chaos to strong developmental/welfare Arab states
On the other, people forget that the US is not omnipotent, as where US action opened the door for Iranian extending asymmetric deterrence into Iraq, or the US has been unable to achieve maximal goals in Syria
This non-omnipotence is then activated as a brain-breaking counter-thought device where the mismatch between US strategic horizons and achievements is activated as evidence that the horizons themselves as analyzed by anti-imperialists do not exist
Needless to say such confusion has been a remarkable effective paralyzing agent on denizens of the US over the last decade
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