Good to see many former colleagues outraged by those workplace conditions that permit the abuse of others to go on unchecked.
Bit of an effort to forget the union you won't join, the solidarity you've withheld & the famous names in the news trade you continue to suppress.
Your hot rage for one particular survivor of abuse by the powerful means nothing but a boost to your brand of weepy tolerance if it doesn't extend to the many in your trade with whom you've failed to stand. But you side with the powerful few whose names you still protect.
Fucking hell. You think Scummo saying a dumb thing is the central outrage here? You think we haven't heard that before? We're immune. What does hurt is the opportunities you've refused to stand with abused workers while sharing the #metoo hashtag.
I'm okay. You're forgiven for minimising my little workplace trauma. I know exactly what to expect from a news trade that's all Down with the Patriarchy when it gets them promoted or laid and Sorry You Had to Go, Love when it's in their faces.
But consider not imposing your retraumatising headlines so freely on the many survivors of workplace abuse.
With #MeToo you proved your feminist credentials but gave a mass of workers a very false sense of the support they could expect.
Man the fuck up or shut your pie hole.
What the fuck do you think that your spirited and occasional defence of one worker's abuse does for anyone but you?
I know exactly where your solidarity for the abused worker ends. It doesn't even make a to the office.
Not every other worker does. So do them a favour and shut it.
You know who you are and you know what they did and to whom. You know what they did to me. You didn't even send a fucking text when it sent me to the loony bin.
Don't fuck up others with your #metoo hypocrisy.
Don't say you care when all you care about is the copy and the brand.
It's difficult to restrain oneself and keep the details of your grand and ongoing complicity with grabby news execs safe. We all know #metoo did fuck all but rebuild a protection racket.
You can be fucking glad that I'm a Marxist who won't fuck with your work. That's your gig.
Just drop the worker comrade act. You don't give a shit and declaring otherwise ad nauseam in public convinces others that such shits are given.
It hurts them and
will likely hurt you the day a worker who came to you for help cannot take your noble hypocrisy another minute.
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