Hello, Creatives!

Here's a question thread you'd love.

Shall we?
1. What's your medium?
2. Where do you draw inspiration from?
3. How long have you practiced your art?
4. How do you measure growth?
5. Do you have a mentor(s) or someone you look up to?
6. Is the person on Twitter? If Yes, tag them.
7. How do you pass across sensitive or controversial messages through your content?
8. Who are your favourite Creatives?
9. How did you discover your creative side?
10. How do you deal with creative dry spells?
11. How do you deal with imposter syndrome?
12. How can people support your work? Tell us.
13. What's the weirdest experience you've had around your art?
14. What's an advice or a scripture you live by as a creative?
15. How often do you use your creativity to express the current situation of your life?
16. What propels you to create?
17. What fascinates you the most about being a Creative?
18. Do you have a ritual while creating? E.g playing music, dancing or eating while working.
19. How do you think Christian Creatives can get adequate support as a community?
20. Do you follow The Creatives Ark? If No, why not do so now😊
You can follow @TheCreativesArk.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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