Truly major insights into the dynamics of Sino-US relations from a book written 21 years ago by Dale C. Copeland.

Some considerations below! (Trying to imitate @ProfPaulPoast's legedary threads)
Copeland's main point is that more often than not major wars are launched by the dominant power, not the rising one, when decline seems irreversible and deep. This has little/nothing to do with the intensions of the rising power but with its potential power in the long run.
Of course, different ideologies can undermine relations among countries.
So, what to do? I do know know. Other scholars have put forward different options.

Retrenchment? @pkmacdonald and Joseph M. Parent argued that this is a viable and potentially effective option.
As Copeland makes clear, it is the dominant power, how it manages its fears and domestic affairs, that largely determines whether there will be war or not.

That said, I can only hope that ppl in Washington and Beijing can find new, peaceful ways to work and live together.
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